apachiqta (L1067)

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  • apachiqta qu
Language Quechua
Lexical category noun



German altes Gebet, das bei der Ankunft auf dem Gipfel des Berges gesprochen wird, heißt ungefähr "Herr, du musst mich sicher getragen haben"
English an ancient prayer of thanks spoken upon arrival at the top of a mountain, meaning roughly, "lord surely you must have carried me"
Spanish rezo antíguo recitado a la llegada alcumbre del cerro, aproximadamente significa "señor, siguramente me has traido"
Italian grazie a dio; [antica preghiera di ringraziamento pronunciata quando si arrivava alla sommità di un monte]; [lit. Signore, sicuramente mi hai portato fin qui!]

Statements about L1067-S1
