allqu-allqu (L646)

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Revision as of 14:29, 10 March 2023 by DavidLbot (talk | contribs) (‎Added [it] gloss to Sense L646-S1: it: allqu-allqu; [insetto che punge, dalla schiena gialla e rossa e simile alla formica, fa un rumore come di pianto])
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  • allqu-allqu qu
Language Quechua
Lexical category noun



German ameisenartiges, stechendes Insekt mit gelbem oder rotem Rücken, das ein weinendes Geräusch macht
English ant-like insect with a colored back (yellow or red) that makes a crying noise and stings
Spanish insecto punzante de espalda amarilla o roja y parecida a la hormiga que hace und ruido llorante
Italian allqu-allqu; [insetto che punge, dalla schiena gialla e rossa e simile alla formica, fa un rumore come di pianto]

Statements about L646-S1
