qumlluysu (L15803)

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Revision as of 18:03, 10 March 2023 by DavidLbot (talk | contribs) (‎Added [it] gloss to Sense L15803-S1: it: comlloisho; [pianta della montagna, di foglie pelose, fiore viola e bianco; frutti rotondi e molto amari])
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  • qumlluysu qu
Language Quechua
Lexical category noun


0 references


German Qomlloysho (Pflanze der Puna, mit flaumigen Blättern, rosa-weißen Blüten und runden, sehr bitternen Früchten)
English comlloisho (plant of the puna with pubescent leaves, purple-white flowers, and round, very bitter fruits)
Spanish comlloisho (planta de la puna, de hojas pelusientas, de flor de color morado con blanco, de frutos redondos y muy amargos)
Italian comlloisho; [pianta della montagna, di foglie pelose, fiore viola e bianco; frutti rotondi e molto amari]

Statements about L15803-S1
